ACUPUNCTURE is an ancient healing art that has existed for thousands of years. It looks holistically at the body and the environment and through careful diagnosis of patterns of disharmony is able to effectively treat a wide variety of illnesses such as anxiety, depression, gastrointestinal issues, insomnia, headaches and migraines, diabetes, asthma, and women’s health. It can also be very helpful in treating musculoskeletal issues, addictions, and chronic or idiopathic conditions.

You can expect to feel more relaxed, and experience deeper sleep, less pain and improved motion and bodily functions as a result of an acupuncture treatment. This is done by stimulating nerve and fascia pathways, releasing neurotransmitters to affect multiple systems in the body. These systems affect: pain relief, organ health, digestive issues, menstrual irregularities, fertility, cardiac and respiratory issues, as well as sleep problems, depression, anxiety, and the impact of stress on the body and mind.

Acupuncture treatments have been shown to act on autonomic reflexes and release neurotransmitters that relieve pain and affect emotional imbalances. Depending on the severity of your issue or condition, a treatment course typically involves 4-6 sessions. The effect is cumulative, much like taking a full course of prescription medication.

Acupuncturists will ask about your health history, check your pulse and look at your tongue to get a further understanding of your body's internal state. They may also assess your range of motion, muscle tone or circulation, to assist in diagnosis. Points are selected based on your individual needs, and stimulated with needles that cue the body to re-balance areas of dis-ease and dysfunction.

Other techniques used by acupuncturists…


Cupping is a way to treat muscle pain and physical discomfort by creating suction that lifts and releases layers of skin, muscle, fascia or connective tissue and improve blood and energy flow.

Acupuncturists may also use cupping to treat ailments such as respiratory illness or digestive issues, and they may use massage oil to slide the cups and treat a larger area. Like a suction massage, this treatment feels really good for most people.

Red to purple circular marks may result where the cups have been used during treatment. This signifies the severity of decreased cellular circulation in areas of injury, pain, or imbalance. These marks can be tender briefly after treatment and are usually treated with herbal liniment or oil to assist the healing process. Marks typically fade away in a few days to a week. 


Gua Sha is the use of a smooth, flat edged tool, usually made of jade, to cause beneficial damage to micro-vessels of the skin. It originates in Traditional Chinese Medicine and translates loosely from Mandarin as "to scrape bruise". Although, intentionally causing damage may seem counter-intuitive, it can be quite pleasant and pain relieving, especially if applied to areas of tension or in treatment of inflammation. Traditionally, Gua Sha assists the immune system, improves circulation, and decreases musculoskeletal pain. 

Have you heard about our ACU-FACIALS? Learn more about how we can tone muscles and produce collagen with this non-surgical approach.

To experience this approach to healing please book in with our Registered Acupuncturist Cole Nakamura