Heal Your Face Acu-Facials include the use of Acupuncture, Gua Sha, cupping, hydrostones, jade rolling, acupressure and massage on the face, as well as points on the body. The goal is to bring balance to the body and mind, while focusing on the face.
The skin is a reflection of what is happening internally. Acupuncture can address these imbalances and thus improve and heal the condition of skin from the inside out. Acupuncture along with massage, Gua Sha, cupping and jade rolling assists with lymphatic drainage, reducing puffiness and toning muscles to encourage firmer skin and stimulating the production of collagen. This treatment is great for those who want to enhance their complexion, while combating acne and aging. It also treats headaches, eyestrain, jaw pain, sleep issues and stress. You will notice and feel results immediately. We recommend a series of 6-10 treatments to see and feel maximum benefit.
Organic facial products such as cleanser, masks, hydrosol toners, lip balm and facial oil blends are used throughout the treatment, tailored to individual needs.
These sessions can be needle-less as well.
Book in with our Registered Acupuncturist Cole Nakamura