ACUPUNCTURE is an ancient healing art that has existed for thousands of years. It looks holistically at the body and the environment and through careful diagnosis of patterns of disharmony is able to effectively treat a wide variety of illnesses such as anxiety, depression, gastrointestinal issues, insomnia, headaches and migraines, diabetes, asthma, and women’s health. It can also be very helpful in treating musculoskeletal issues, addictions, and chronic or idiopathic conditions.

You can expect to feel more relaxed, and experience deeper sleep, less pain and improved motion and bodily functions as a result of acupuncture treatment.

Book ACUPUNCTURE with Registered Acupuncturist Cole Nakamura and Jamie Grant today!

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Have you heard about our ACU-FACIALS? Learn more about how we can tone muscles and produce collagen with this non-surgical approach.