Ayurveda is the traditional medicine of India, which aims to reestablish and maintain mind-body balance through an individualized wellness program based on your unique Ayurvedic Constitution.

Ayu translates as life and veda translates as knowledge or science. Thus, Ayurveda is an ancient science of life and longevity. Each of us has a unique mind-body type called our Dosha or Ayurvedic Constitution. That is, we're all made up of the same "stuff" (the 5 elements), but in varying amounts. Our Constitution is in a constant state of flux due to the food we eat, as well as the activities and relationships we engage in. The seasons, the climate we live in and our stage of life also contribute to our relative state of mind-body health.

Ayurveda suggests that, because each of us has a unique psychophysiological constitution, we need an individualized diet, daily routine and exercise regimen in order to effectively reestablish and maintain mind-body balance.

Ayurveda offers a vast and varied set of practices for the maintenance of health and well-being, with a focus on optimizing digestion. Ayurveda sees digestion as a broad concept encompassing not only the digestion of food, but also metabolism at the microcellular level. Mental and emotional health are also considered functions of digestion; the digestion of information and experience, respectively. The ultimate goal of Ayurveda is to reestablish and maintain optimal digestion, thus supporting the efficient functioning of the entire mind-body complex.

Ayurveda meets you where you're at, providing suggestions for diet, exercise, daily routine, stress management practices and herbal remedies and supplements. You decide where you are willing and able to make changes, and your Health & Wellness Plan is built around your goals and based on your unique Ayurvedic Constitution. The more efficiently your body and mind function, the more energy you have for the things you love.

Want to find out how Ayurveda can support you in reestablishing health and well-being? Make an appointment with Angela, today.