A BALANCED BODY is a beautiful Wellness Clinic located by Cedar Hill Recreation Centre.
As well, we offer THERAPEUTIC YOGA and PILATES, this includes private and semi private sessions, small classes and workshops both in person and online.
We offer DIRECT BILLING (ICBC included) and easy ONLINE BOOKING.
OUR MISSION is to facilitate connection between the body and the mind to empower you to HEAL YOURSELF. We aim to increase your mobility and stability, while helping you find openness, ease and balance.
Our passion is the therapeutic application of massage, acupuncture, counselling, nutrition, exercise and yoga, empowering people to heal themselves. The heart and soul of a therapeutic practice, a practice that heals and never hinders, is mindfulness. Any practice can become therapeutic when we are connected and listening. Letting our bodies, rather than our minds, guide our practices gives room for sustainable changes to come from within. Read more about us...
Caeli Marsh, RMT
Cole Nakamura, Reg. Ac.
Mischa Harris, Reg. Kin.
Ally Austin, RMT
Destinee Hunter, RMT
Jamie Grant, Reg. Acu.
Massage Therapy relieves pain and tension, while reducing stress and improving function.
Our Registered Massage Therapists offer multiple modalities of care including Applied Tensegrity, Hydro Stones, Fascial Stretch Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Therapeutic Exercise and more.
REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPY is the assessment and manipulation of soft tissues and joints in the body, to effect a therapeutic response in the treatment and prevention of physical dysfunction. The purpose of massage therapy is to make you feel amazing, relieve pain, rehabilitate, improve and balance physical function. All of this leads to a felt sense of well being and ease in the body.
ACUPUNCTURE is an ancient healing art that has existed for thousands of years. It looks holistically at the body and the environment and through careful diagnosis of patterns of disharmony is able to effectively treat a wide variety of illnesses such as anxiety, depression, gastrointestinal issues, insomnia, headaches and migraines, diabetes, asthma, and women’s health. It can also be very helpful in treating musculoskeletal issues, addictions, and chronic or idiopathic conditions.
You can expect to feel more relaxed, and experience deeper sleep, less pain and improved motion and bodily functions as a result of acupuncture treatment.
Book ACUPUNCTURE with Registered Acupuncturist Cole Nakamura and Jamie Grant today!
Read more about Registered Acupuncture...
Acufacials stimulate the production of collagen and elastin in the skin resulting in improved tone. It is a great and natural way to support skin imbalances, sun touched skin and the aging process. The combination of facial acupuncture, Gua Sha, jade rolling, acupressure and massage restores circulation and balance to the face, leaving you with a wonderful glow and in a state of deep relaxation.
The skin is a window to the body’s imbalances. In these treatments, Acupuncture is not only applied to the face but to specific points on the body to help heal the skin through balancing the body’s systems. Book in with our Registered Acupuncturists Jamie Grant and Cole Nakamura for this body balancing and beauty enhancing technique.
Would you like the benefits of acupuncture, without the use of needles?
These sessions are covered by extended benefits under Acupuncture.
These needle-less TCM sessions will use the same Traditional Chinese Medicine diagnostic approach as Acupuncture but instead of needles Cole will use Acupressure, Tui Na (Chinese Massage) and Cupping to create internal and external balance. These sessions are particularly helpful for musculoskeletal aches and pains.
NEEDLE-LESS TCM SESSIONS is practiced by our Registered Acupuncturists Cole Nakamura and Jamie Grant, book an appointment HERE.
Registered Kinesiology helps to remove the underlying sources of tension and pain by identifying and correcting dysfunctional movement patterns. Starting with a comprehensive assessment of functional movement patterns, Kinesiology sessions involve both hands on treatment for joints, muscles, and fascia, and also therapeutic exercises to get the body moving without pain and through greater ranges of motion.
Book in with our Registered Kinesiologist Mischa Harris
APPLIED TENSEGRITY is a transformational way of directly effecting and hydrating the fascial system. APPLIED TENSEGRITY is not your typical deep tissue massage, it is a tool to provide gentle, yet deep, effective work to regain and maintain ease and fluidity in the body. APPLIED TENSEGRITY deepens the relaxation response, decreases pain, and restores a sense of general well-being. This approach is incredible for healing inflammation and swelling in the body. For a full Applied Tensegrity treatment, please book in with RMT, Nicole Sing.
Stretch Fusion Massage
Stretch Fusion Massage
This on-the-table full body treatment combines a traditional therapeutic massage to the back, neck, and shoulders with therapeutic stretching to the lower limbs, arms and neck.
Beginning with Swedish massage and hot stones to the back and shoulders to release musculoskeletal tension and increase circulation before stretching. Following this, therapeutic stretches are then applied to the hips, legs, feet, and arms with specific attention to the area of concern. The treatment ends with gentle stretches and therapeutic massage to the arms, upper chest and neck.
This treatment focuses on dynamic movement through passive joint manipulation and inviting more length and space within the entire body. You will be brought through a series of progressive stretches along with myofascial release and joint traction to increase joint range of motion and muscle length while decreasing fascial restrictions.
Please wear comfortable stretchy pants or shorts to this treatment.
You will be fully draped on the table, but with pants on to more easily incorporate stretching to the lower body.
Book with RMT Destinee Hunter for a Stretch Fusion Massage.
Benefits of Stretch Therapy and Massage
Reduce and relieves stress and anxiety, calms the mind
Strengthen immune system
Improves blood circulation, venous blood return and organ function
Improves posture and balance
Muscle relaxation, increasing the length of muscles and improving flexibility
Reduce stiffness of joints, increase mobility
Relieve pain, sprains and inflammation of the muscles, tendon and joints
Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is an anatomically precise, gentle, myofascially driven hands-on treatment that supports the body’s natural rhythms by working with the craniosacral flow of cerebrospinal fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord.
CST relieves tension in the Central Nervous System where the brain, spine, and nerves live and function. This decrease in tension promotes a deep sense of relaxation, making it an excellent treatment to encourage emotional well-being.
In addition to this deep relaxation of the nervous system, CST can aid in decreasing muscle pain, help to relieve headaches and post-concussion symptoms.
CST allows the innate wisdom of the body to guide the treatment, leading to an increase of inherent self-regulation, self-correction, and self-healing.
Book with our trained RMT’s for a Craniosacral Therapy and Massage treatment
Holistic Nutrition takes an interconnected approach to nutrition and healthy lifestyle based on western science and diet therapy, as well as the traditional sciences of Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
At A Balanced Body, our Holistic Nutritionist will utilize her knowledge of whole foods and healthy lifestyle to empower you to optimize your own physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Through everyday nutrition, eating habits, and lifestyle factors, your individual needs will be assessed and a nutrition program will be tailor made for you with guidance offering recommendations for restoring balance and helping support you to reach your health goals. Holistic Nutrition is not just about the foods we put into our body, it is also about supporting the ability for our body to digest and absorb these nutrients to optimize our health. Learn more by reading our blog post about Holistic Nutrition.
Let us help you HEAL YOURSELF. Book in with Nicole Sing for a FREE 15 minute consultation to discover if Holistic Nutrition is the right fit for you to get your health back on track? Read more about Holistic Nutrition Consultations and packages here…
FASCIAL STRETCH THERAPY (FST) is a form of assisted stretch therapy that can dramatically increase your flexibility, reduce aches and pains, and improve your range of motion and athletic performance.
FST targets fascia, the most prevalent tissue in the body which is also full of nerves. Fascia is found around muscles, joints, arteries, veins, the brain, and the spinal cord. FST helps reduce pressure and release stored stress in the fascia, improving circulation and flexibility while boosting energy. The results are felt immediately.
This is a transformational technique that I recommend for everybody!
Jessica Knox and Stephanie Woodsworth are the only RMT’s who offer Certified Fascial Stretch Therapy in Victoria. Mischa Harris is our Registered Kinesiologist, also trained to incorporate FST into his treatments. Book in with them to try this amazing therapy today!
These treatments aim to put you in a deep state of relaxation. They are restorative and balancing to all. They are particularly helpful for anxiety, burn out, depression, trauma, PTSD, insomnia and nervous system regulation.
These treatments include Tui Na (Chinese Massage) and hot stones to the meridian lines, specific acupressure and gentle acupuncture to aid relaxation and improve the function of the Nervous System, acupressure neck and shoulder release, ear seeds and a calming essential oil massage blend.
Book in with our Acupuncturists Cole or Jamie to try this incredibly relaxing and balancing nervous system treatment today
Private Therapeutic Exercise
Private Therapeutic Exercise
THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE is used to improve alignment, decrease compensatory patterns and minimize the pain and dysfunction that arise from that.
THERAPEUTIC EXERCISE includes stretching tissue to increase flexibility, mobilizing joints to increase range of motion, using tools to release tissue tension and strengthening stabilizing musculature to improve posture, alignment and joint stability and integrity.
This treatment really needs to be experienced to be appreciated. Many injuries are due to weakness and muscular imbalance in the body. When you start to address the root cause of pain and imbalance, the body immediately responds, begins to heal and find its equilibrium.
Massage Therapy with Therapeutic Exercise is offered by RMT Jessica Knox.
This is an amazing way to build the foundation for optimal health and alignment, and pave the way for you to reach your fitness goals successfully.
Private Therapeutic Pilates
Private Therapeutic Pilates
A THERAPEUTIC PILATES session is highly effective, tailored just for you and designed to meet your specific goals to help you HEAL YOURSELF. In a private session you will progress and heal quickly. A private session allows a unique whole body experience of discovery and awareness, while strengthening, toning and increasing flexibility. Therapeutic Pilates incorporates the latest medical research, modern exercise principles and contemporary thinking about spinal rehabilitation and performance enhancement.
THERAPEUTIC PILATES exercises are designed to restore the natural curves of the spine and re-balance muscles around the joints. Whether you're looking to heal or you're just looking to get strong, healthy and toned. Pilates will help you.
Jessica Knox is a Stott Trained Rehab Therapist and offers private Therapeutic Pilates sessions as well as incorporating this training into her Therapeutic yoga classes.
Therapeutic Yoga Classes
Therapeutic Yoga Classes
THERAPEUTIC YOGA blends elements of Yoga, Massage, Pilates & Mindfulness to address imbalances in your myo-fascial-skeletal systems through traction, engagement and release.
We do this with props. Some from traditional Yoga, some from Massage and Pilates, and some that we’ve adapted specifically to offer you relief, stability and strength.
FUNCTIONAL RANGE CONDITIONING (FRC) works by systematically expanding the body’s ranges of motion, while simultaneously teaching the nervous system how to control this newly acquired range.
As our ability to generate force through our joints lessens, we lose the ability to actively control our range of motion. Because the longer and shorter ranges of our joints are not being utilized, the joints tissues never develop the ability to absorb loads at those ranges leaving them susceptible to injury.
Through the specific, and safe training methods of FRC we are able to ‘capture’ previously passive ranges of motion and convert them into usable, active ranges. This means that through FRC you will develop improved mobility, while simultaneously developing tissue strength and resilience in these newly acquired ranges both healing and preventing injury to your joints.
RMT Jessica Knox incorporates FRC into her Fascial Stretch Therapy with Therapeutic Exercise sessions.
CUPPING is a bit like a massage is reverse: instead of applying pressure, glass cups are used to gently lift and pull muscle and fascia. Much like massage, CUPPING has a broad range of uses including pain reduction, improved digestion, relieving cough and cold and promoting relaxation. Cupping can be a part of any Acupuncture session at A Balanced Body, book in with Registered Acupuncturist Cole Nakamura to experience it.
ACUPRESSURE is a form of touch therapy that utilizes the principles of acupuncture and Chinese medicine. In ACUPRESSURE, the same points on the body are used as in acupuncture, but are stimulated with finger pressure instead of with the insertion of needles.
ACUPRESSURE can be incorporated in to Acupuncture treatments. If you’re interested in this approach please book in with Reg. Ac Cole Nakamura and Jamie Grant.
Jessica Knox has a diploma in Five Element Acupressure, which she incorporates into her Therapeutic Yoga classes, workshops and treatments.
We are at: 200B - 3060 CEDAR HILL RD.
Make an appointment to see us in our beautiful space.
A Balanced Body
200B-3060 Cedar Hill Road
Victoria, B.C
V8T 3J5
PHONE 778 265 6561
TEXT 250 812 3726